: gromit.y.chan(at)gmail(dot)com
My intern Tongyu Zhou's work on message based infographics authoring was selected to be presented as #ProjectInfographIt at Adobe SUMMIT Sneaks 2024! It has also been accepted at CHI 2024.
About Me:
My name is Gromit Yeuk-Yin CHAN (陳若然), a Research Scientist in Adobe Research.
I received my PhD in Computer Science from New York University in 2021, advised by prof. Claudio T. Silva and prof. Juliana Freire. Before that, I obtained my double degree in Computer Engineering and Business Management from HKUST in 2016. My research focus has been mainly in the area of visualization and data management, including large scale data visualization, Machine Learning algorithms with data sketching and distributed computing, and visual analytics systems. As a research scientist, I develop and transfer database, visualization, and HCI technologies to Adobe Experience Cloud.

Here are some of the projects that keep me busy:
  • Generative AI Applications On Human Computer Interactions
    Large Language Model (LLM) Based Graphic Content Generation and Creativity Support Tools.
  • Generative AI Applications On Data Management:
    Industry Scaled Text-to-SQL Pipelines, Query Centric Machine Learning.
I am constantly looking for interns and collaborators to work on research projects in DB/VIS/HCI. Please send me an email to reach out and learn more.